
How to update the firmware of my frame?

Go to the 3rd tab of the application, and select the frame you want to update. Click on the menu at the top right, and select “Check for Update”

The app will then check if an update is available for your frame.

If an update is available, a screen will present a brief explanation, and you will have the option to accept or decline it.

From this point, the update will proceed automatically without intervention, in four successive phases. The whole process can take up to 2 minutes.

It is important to never interrupt the process, to keep the smartphone as close as possible to the frame, and to avoid switching apps or taking a phone call.

Phase 1 of 4 : “Downloading…”

The app will download the update from the servers. This step should be very quick, given the small size of the file to be downloaded.

Phase 2 of 4 : “Connecting…”

The app will attempt to reconnect via Bluetooth to the frame, as long as it is nearby.

Phase 3 of 4 : “Uploading…”

The app will effectively replace the firmware with the new, more recent one. This is the most critical phase, but it lasts less than a minute.

Phase 4 of 4 : “Validating…”

The app will finally verify that the update was successful.

If the validation is successful, you should see a success message closing the process.

In case of error

If you encounter an error message, most of the time, you just need to restart the process by clicking on RETRY.

Caution! If the update was accidentally interrupted during the firmware replacement phase (3/4), your frame may no longer respond as usual. This is indicated by the absence of LED blinking when pressing the button, regardless of the duration of the press.

Fortunately, this state is perfectly recoverable by the application. You just need to restart the update from the beginning, either via the RETRY button or by starting over from the beginning from the 3rd tab of the app, via the menu on the corresponding frame.